
PAIN FREE Treatment while you sleep

Are you someone who is a dental phobic?

Do you suffer from fear or anxiety or simply don’t like the smells and noises associated with  Sedation Dentistry work?

Perhaps you have difficulties with normal treatment provisions due to issues such as sensitive teeth and gums, a strong gag reflex, small mouth or you don’t always go numb?
Dental Room 1 at First Choice Dental, featuring a modern dental chair and a patient monitor.
First Choice Dental clinic signage displaying the clinic's name.
Even for those who would just like to be more comfortable during long appointments or complex treatments.

We understand that for some of our clients visiting the dentist can cause unwanted stress and anxiety. It’s our commitment to you and every one of our clients to provide a safe and calming atmosphere with options that allow you to visit the dentist comfortably.

If you’d like to know more about how we can help you, call us today to discuss what options are available to you.

Want to know a little more about the benefits of sleep dentistry?
  • Sleep dentistry is a safe established procedure.
  • Comfortable and painless – you will feel no pain or discomfort from your dental procedure and you will be relaxed and calm throughout your appointment.
  • Amnesic Effect – you will have no recollection of the dental procedure.
  • You will be in a dream-like state, though you will remain conscious and responsive.
  • Convenient – most dental procedures can be performed under sleep dentistry including crowns/veneers, tooth extraction and wisdom teeth removal (impacted wisdoms), root canal therapy, fillings, dental implants and other surgical procedures all without the need for a referral or hospital attendance.
  • Smooth recovery – patients typically go home 30 minutes following the procedure with the help of another person

Book an Appointment

by calling us on 02 4647 4570

Our Location

Suite 3, 20 Somerset Ave Narellan NSW 2567

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